Lake Conway Community Association Rules & Regulations
Full Members Only.
You must sign in when you arrive at the beach.
Guests MUST be accompanied and signed in by a full member at all times. Members are responsible for the behavior of their guests.
There is a limit of 10 guests per household in a single day.
A guest of a member may not invite other guests.
Members must schedule any activity (Birthday – BBQ – Party/Gathering) with the president of the association by filling out the form at These activities must be scheduled after the posted daily swimming hours. Members must bring their own certified lifeguard if swimming is part of the activity. Members are responsible for all clean up immediately after activity.
Swim only when a lifeguard is on duty.
Swimming is restricted only within the designated area.
No swimming aids or flotation devices are permitted in deep water.
Children must qualify with the lifeguard to be able to swim to the dock. No horseplay permitted.
An adult must accompany children under 12 at the beach and are responsible for their behavior. It is not the lifeguard’s responsibility to babysit children. You must be at least 14 in order to chaperone children at the beach.
Small children (not potty trained) must wear leak-proof training pants in the swim area.
All garbage must be taken home and not left on beach property. Please dispose of your own trash.
Glass container/bottles not permitted on lake property.
No pets are allowed on beach property.
Cars/trucks etc. are not allowed on beach property except to launch a boat.
The use of liquor or illegal dangerous substances is prohibited on lake property.
** This is a Catch-and-Release Lake **
State fishing licenses are required as per New Jersey State Law.
Fishing is not permitted anywhere in the swimming area.
ALL boats, paddle boats, canoes stored at the beach are required to be registered by June 1st 2023 and display a LC boat sticker. Non-registered watercraft will be considered abandoned and removed from the lake property.
All boats that are stored at the beach must be either flipped over, covered, or unplugged to avoid standing water (water gets stagnant and is a breeding ground for mosquitoes).
Boats powered by internal combustion engines are not permitted.
Snowmobiles in winter are not permitted on lake/beach property.
Approved flotation devices are mandatory for each boat occupant by law.
Boats are not permitted in the swimming area.
Boats/canoes/watercraft must not block the launch area.
Boaters are subject to lifeguard instructions/direction.
ATVs or similar unlicensed recreational vehicles are not permitted on community roads and/or beach property per municipal/state law.