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Reserve the Lake Area for a Private Event

Full Members may apply to have a party/event at the lake.  This type of event/party can not be during open lake hours. You are responsible to sign up prior to the event. Please be sure to
clean up after yourselves. The lake is not responsible for your garbage or mess left behind. Please be mindful of neighboring houses near the beach and abide by the lake/beach use hours. No one permitted after 9pm.

No member is to have a party or gathering at the lake (other than your allotted guests) during lake operating hours. We have only one lifeguard per day and they are there for the full members use of the lake.


Please read and agree to the rules below before reserving the lake area.

Request to Reserve Lake Area: Image

Rules for Reserving the Beach for Private Use


A Lifeguard MUST be present if people in your party will be swimming.  It is the members' responsibility to provide a lifeguard for your event - the Lake Community Association is not responsible for hiring lifeguards for after-hours events.




The area must be left as you found it! Please be sure to remove all trash, extinguish any hot barbecue coals, and collect all belongings.

Request to Reserve Lake Area: List

Request to Reserve the Lake Beach Area

(Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.)

Thank you! We will check existing requests to ensure there are no conflicts and will contact you!

Request to Reserve Lake Area: Job Application
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